Thursday, January 31, 2008

Do You Have Courage?

Joshua 1:7-9 "Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest. This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest."
I love to read about Joshua and Caleb. They were very great men and tremendous example of faith. I was reading Numbers 13 the other day, and I was just astounded again by this story. It is about a year or so after the children of Israel have crossed the Red Sea and they come to a spot where God commands Moses to select twelve men (one from each tribe) to spy out the land and its inhabitants, and bring back a report. Joshua was chosen from the tribe of Ephraim and Caleb from the tribe of Judah. While there, they saw a cluster of grapes so big that it had to be carried on a staff between two men!!! (Num. 13:23) They even brought back some of the fruit to show the people. All the spies agreed that the land was a good land that flowed with milk and honey, just as the Lord had said. However, there were ten men that agreed that the people of the city were many and to strong for them. They also said that the cities were "walled and very great." However, Caleb stepped up and said, "Let us go up now at once, and possess it; for we are able to overcome it." But the other ten began to say discouraging and doubtful things about the land. When you read on, into chapter 14, the congregation of Israel begins to cry and lift up their voices to God, and murmur against Moses. You can just hear it, "I wish I was dead! I wish I had died in Egypt or the wilderness! Why would God bring us this far only to let us die? We should just go back where we came from!" Like a bratty child throwing a tantrum. That’s what they sound like. But Joshua & Caleb step up again and tell of how good the land is and how the Lord will bring them into it to possess it. They tell the people not to fear the inhabitants of the land because the Lord is on THEIR SIDE, and these people have no defense. (Num.14:8)) The others began to call for Joshua and Caleb to be stoned at this point. Now, Joshua and Caleb are around forty or so here. Here they stand, alone, in the midst of a group of people who have SEEN and TESTIFIED of God’s greatness! I can just hear the older saints now, "Why those rebellious, young whippersnappers! How dare they say we CAN when we say we CAN’T! We are older and wiser than they are." These are the same people that have seen the Red Sea parted. They have seen manna rain from the sky. They have witnessed ALL ten of the plagues God brought on Egypt, and how he protected them. Why do they not believe that God can take care of this too? I am not trying to say that those who are older than us should not be shown respect and honor. But in this particular case they let their fear of man get in the way of their belief in God.
You know, sometimes we can get in the way of young people doing God’s will. Instead of teaching them GOD CAN, we teach them that HE CAN’T. And we do it by our own words and actions. Put your faith where your mouth is! You do not know who might be in your Sunday School class, riding your bus, working in the Nursery, or listening to the choir, that is going to one day take your place. You might be training the one who will replace you one day, right now!
Well, Joshua and Caleb submitted to their elders. Unfortunately, sin in the camp affects everyone, and they ALL (including Joshua & Caleb) had to wander in the wilderness for forty years! God decreed that no one age twenty and up, who had murmured against him would go into the promised land. These ten guys didn’t even learn from that decree. In the later part of chapter 14 they try to force their way in anyway! (Num.14:40-45) You know, sometimes you can lose out on blessings when you follow the majority. But if we will but wait on the Lord, and have some courage, knowing He is in control then we can reap the reward. For Joshua and Caleb that reward was the promised land. Yes, they had to wander in the wilderness, but they were the only ones of the twelve spies that got to go into the promised land. All because they never doubted God’s power or His promises. What are we saying to a lost world when we are ready to quit, or even die, every time we have to face a tough battle or enemy? Where is our faith? Where is our trust? Where is our courage? God will be with us, just like he was with Joshua and Caleb. I know because He promised.
A real soldier STANDS in spite of:
  1. the conditions
  2. the casualties
  3. the cowards
  4. the confrontations

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


  • Proverbs 20: 6 "Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?"
  • Proverbs 12:4 "A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones."
  • Proverbs 31:10 "Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies."

As I begin any New Year, I reflect back on the previous one. I try to take into account every blessing that the Lord has given me that year. I also remember mistakes I made, or lessons I learned and try to purpose in my heart that I will do beter. I am sure that this is not my custom alone. I know many who reflect on the previous years and use them as a guide to what they might like to do, or not to do.

Recently, my mother-in-law, Mrs. Sandy Groves, celebrated her birthday. I listened in our church services as many of our members thanked the Lord for her, and her faithfulness to the Lord's work, her husband, the position of pastor's wife, the playing of the organ, even my son stood and thanked the Lord for his grandmother and the part she played in his learning the piano (he is now our church pianist). As I sat there listening to this, I realized that there are a few blessings in my life that have been constant, and continual that I (as well as others) tend to take for granted. Though there are many, I am only going to name four...My Daddy & Mother, Rev. Charles & Mrs. Carol Savage, and my in-laws, Dr. Larry & Mrs. Sandra Groves. Few people are as blessed as I am to have been born into such a wonderful, Christian family, and likewise to have married into one as well. As I was growing up my Daddy made it a point to point certain men and women of the church out to me. He would tell me that I could learn something from them. Sometimes, in was how "to be" and sometimes it was how "not to be". Now that I am grown, I am thankful for the MANY faithful men and women who served as constant and consistent examples to me throughout my life. THANK YOU to all of you. But I am forever thankful and forever indebted to my parents and my parents-in-law for their faithfulness to Christ, and to each other.

My parents will celebrate their 40th Anniversary this fall, and my in-laws will celebrate their 38th. In today's world this kind of faithfulness is hard to find. Also, My Daddy will celebrate 38 years in the ministry and my father-in-law 41 years. Both with their wives right by their side through it all. I have seen and heard and know many pastor's wives, missionaries wives, and evangelist's wives, and though I have MANY of them as friends and mentors, there are none that compare to my two mom's. I have watched these two women follow their husbands all over the United States. I have listened as people have tried to put them down and discourage them. And I have watched them do as the Bible describes, "being gracious and retaining honor". (Proverbs 11:16) I thank God that I have such a goodly, Godly heritage. I am also thankful that my sons and daughters have these four, faithful soldiers of Christ to look up to. Not only that, but they can depend on them to be there for them in any situation that may arise, KNOWING that all four of them will be on their knees praying for them and asking God for His leadership, guidance, and His will in their lives. I am sure that there are others out there who feel they are as blessed as I am, but today I just want to say THANK YOU to my Daddy & Mother and THANK YOU to Dad2 & Mom2 for being the servants of God that you are.

  • I Corinthians 15:58 "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord."